Martha Dark
Co-Founder, Foxglove
Martha Dark is director and co-founder of the tech justice non-profit, Foxglove, a new NGO that exists to make tech fair for everyone. Foxglove is a team of lawyers, technology experts, and communications specialists.
Foxglove investigates: 1) the unfair use of technology to shape government decisions across the UK, 2) harmful technology exports from Europe to the Global South and 3) challenges abuses of power by Big Tech. Foxglove uses the law to protect rights, enforce rules and defend public interest. Foxglove’s first legal case, brought with the Joint Council on the Welfare of Immigrants, challenges a biased Home Office visa algorithm.
Martha was previously head of operations for the human rights charity Reprieve and chief operating officer of Open Rights Group.
Listen to Martha as she shares some of the recent investigations Foxglove have undertaken, including putting pressure on the U.K. government to be transparent on the private companies who want to access NHS data. Plus much more. Or read the conversation here.
Ep2: Making Tech Accountable with Martha Dark
Martha’s talk will focus on the U.K. Government’s roll-out technology as solutions to complicated societal problems and Foxglove’s work challenging the Covid-19 datastore. Martha will explore the issues with some of these systems and what she thinks needs to change. She will also touch on Foxglove’s work challenging the U.K. Government’s A-level grading algorithm and the visa streaming tool.