Rasmus Thomsen
Design Director, Partner, Is It A Bird
Rasmus is Partner and Design Director of IS IT A BIRD. He has a foot in both social science and design. He is an innovation geek, with a mind tuned to design thinking. Rasmus works at the forefront of development, with a critical understanding of the forces behind disruption, connecting technology, trends and human insights. He advises both public and private organisations on innovation, and helps strengthen their capacity at a strategic and tactical level. With over 100 workshops under his belt, Rasmus holds a unique ability to engage people in culture change.
Listen to Rasmus talk about his mission of bridging the gap between technology builders, and the problem spaces technology can play a role in solving. Rasmus brings in unexpected concepts of masculine and feminine energies to explain the processes in which his work evolves.
Rasmus Thomsen: Partner & Design Director of IS IT A BIRD & A+T 2020 Speaker on The Human Show
The success of future smart cities will depend on how technology meets human needs in a meaningful way. Time and time again, we see solutions and innovations where it looks like the designers were dazzled by amazing technology instead of catering to a real human problem or need.
Rasmus will talk about the importance of solving important needs for people and how we can ensure that the concept of smart cities becomes synonymous with better living conditions for humans while embracing technology as a tool to help achieve that.
Before designing smart cities, the most interesting question to explore evolves around what great living conditions are. What makes a good life? What is a good city for humans? And then we need to translate this into amazing solutions that support this.