Stephen Paff

Senior Data Scientist

Stephen is both an anthropologist and data scientist passionate about integrating the two to help organizations solve complex social and organizational problems. He currently works as a Senior Data Scientist at BiBerk, where he develops machine learning and AI systems to improve organizational processes.

He started EPIC Data Scientists + Ethnographers to organize business anthropologists and data scientists promote connections, collaborations, and integrations.

Data Scientist Anthropologists as an Example of How to Be an Anthropologist in the Tech World

As both anthropologists and data scientists, we will examine strategies for leveraging both in the tech sector to help address pressing complex societal issues.

We will discuss our experiences merging anthropology, data science, and other forms of technological thinking over the last several years in fields as diverse as healthcare, climate policies, and finance as a backdrop to reflect on what it means to be an anthropologist and technologists in the contemporary world.

In light of the complex and urgent crisis that have erupted around the world over the last year, we want to connect anthropological insights, data science skills, and the ability to connect them with necessary social, economic, political and climate change initiatives and interventions.

Co-presented with Astrid Countee.

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