Tariq Rashid

To Regulate AI, Demystify AI

Tariq will try to convince you that we, as a society, can’t hope to regulate AI if we don’t understand it. And we can’t understand it if we don’t unmask it of its mystique.

He’ll be talking plainly on issues of education and teaching, legislating and lobbying, governance and trust, human (not digital) rights, and provocatively suggesting that many answers might already be found in the boringly mature engineering disciplines.

About Tariq

Tariq is a SWCTN Automation Fellow. His current mission in life is to demystify interesting computing ideas so more people can enjoy them.

To this end, he runs a popular children’s code club, the 4000+ member Algorithmic Art group, and is nurturing the growing Data Science Cornwall community. He wrote an introduction to neural networks which readers seem to like for its accessibility. The toughest challenge he undertook recently was trying to make data science projects engaging to children as young as 7!

He’s most proud of his work reforming how government thinks about, and does, security and builds services, around users, with open data | technology | markets.

Right now he’s organising a grassroots algorithmic art season of exhibits, performances, workshops and debate. He’s just founded a business to help you on your AI journey, specialising in independent assessment of how safely and ethically you use data and machine learning.
