The Digital Ethics Compass
The Digital Ethics Compass is a hands-on tool, which helps companies develop an ethical sensibility when they are designing digital products. Furthermore, it helps companies uncover and fix ethical problems and dilemmas in their existing products.
The tool is developed by Danish Design Centre in cooperation with digital strategist Peter Svarre who will be hosting this workshop.
As a participant of this workshop, you will learn:
- why we need digital design ethics
- what digital design ethics is
- the difference between data ethics, automation ethics, and behavioural design ethics
- how to use The Digital Ethics Compass, and
- how to spot ethical flaws in your own digital products and how to fix them.
The Digital Ethics Compass is being tested in a prototype version in Spring 2021 and will launch in Fall 2021. It is currently in Danish only, but will be translated to English.
Who should attend this workshop
- Designers and UX-designers
- Digital product managers
- Digital startups
- Data scientists working with digital products and algorithms
- CEO’s of companies working with digital products
Workshop Leader
Peter Svarre, Digital Strategist
Peter has worked on the front lines of the technology industry for more than twenty years. He is on one hand the practitioner who helps businesses transform in a world of digital technologies, robots and artificial intelligence and on the other hand he is the engaged and inspiring author and public speaker who constantly strives to make the bright as well as bleak future clear and present for his audiences. Peter is cand.scient.pol. from University of Copenhagen and Master of International Affairs from Columbia University in New York.
In cooperation with
- Leader: Peter Svarre with the Danish Design Centre.
- Date: Friday 21 May
- Time: 14:05-16:00 BST (London).
- Who should attend: Anyone who is interested in digital design ethics.
- Number of attendees: Up to 20.
This workshop is free to Response-ability Summit 2021 delegates who have purchased a ticket, on a first-come, first served basis. Have your Ticket Number handy (you will find this on your e-ticket).
By registering, you agree to your name, organisation, and email being passed to the workshop leader(s) for the purposes of communicating with you about this workshop.