Unlocking innovation through the social sciences


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Workshop Description

Why are the social sciences important for innovation? Stripe Partners are a leading strategy and innovation company based in London. Using examples from their work with some of the world’s foremost companies such as Google and Intel, this workshop will take business leaders through a hands-on workshop to show how innovations are born from social science insight.

With a combination of a short talk, case study examples and practical exercises, attendees will come away from this workshop with a clear understanding of how the social sciences enable forward-thinking executives to identify signal from noise and execute confidently at pace.

This workshop is aimed at business leaders, CTOs, CEOs who want to better understand how social science expertise can add significant value to their business.

Attendees will learn:
  • Why the social sciences are important for innovation.
  • How social science insight can help businesses design and develop innovative products and services.
  • Practical skills that demonstrate how to apply the social sciences to real world problems.

Who should attend this workshop

This workshop is aimed at business leaders, CTOs, CEOs who want to better understand how social science expertise can add significant value to their business.

Workshop Leader

Cath is a seasoned practitioner with over 10 years experience in product innovation across media, healthcare, e-commerce and technology, as well as leading research at the Government Digital Service and Etsy. Cath helps teams move from a deep understanding of people’s worlds to what that means for product strategy and service design. At Stripe Partners, she has a particular focus on impact and how insight travels within organisations to unlock new business opportunities.

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Buy Your Ticket


  • Leader: Cath Richardson
  • Date: Monday 12 October
  • Time: 13:00-16:00 BST (London)
  • Who should attend: Business leaders, CTOs, CEOs.
  • Number of attendees: 20-30


This workshop is free to A+T 2020 delegates who have purchased a ticket, on a first-come, first served basis. Have your Ticket Number handy (you will find this on your e-ticket).

By registering, you agree to your name, organisation, and email being passed to the workshop leader(s) for the purposes of communicating with you about this workshop.