Rapid Ethnography Bootcamp: From Idea to Pitch

Rapid ethnography is where business meets anthropology. As anthropologists, we have a tendency to look at the world carefully and with infinite nuances. We like to take our time. Business, and especially the world of technology, asks us to do research fast, and turn it into actionable advice. And if we do that, even if it feels awkward to us at first, we can come up with beautiful ways to improve the business world.

In this workshop we provide a taste of what we teach students in the Rapid Ethnography Summer School Amsterdam, and what we discuss with our peers in the Applied Anthropology Meetup Amsterdam: how can we turn careful nuanced research into quick and actionable?

You will learn:

  • how to experiment with fast ethnography and teams,
  • how to turn findings into quick analysis and recommendations, and
  • how to pitch your recommendations.

Who should attend this workshop

This workshop is for social scientists who are interested in how the social sciences can contribute to innovation. And for non social scientists interested in how social scientists think, and what would be the value in working alongside them. You should also attend this workshop if you are interested in experimenting with rapid ethnography and curious on what you can achieve in three hours alongside a team of three others.

Workshop Leaders

Corina EnacheCorina Enache, Applied Anthropologist
Corina is a hybrid of two worlds: an ex-corporate in global innovation and an MSc in cultural anthropology. She’s been working as an applied anthropologist in the technology space for the last four years, having led assignments for companies such as KLM, Wintec, PwC and Harmoney. She is also the co-host of a global podcast project, The Human Show, where she interviews social scientists and industry people talking about their work in the technology space. She is a co-organiser of Interbuilding Applied Anthropology Meetup Amsterdam, in partnership with the University of Amsterdam, as well as the Rapid Ethnography Summer School Amsterdam. Currently she is Lead Organisational Development at Transavia where she is engaging as an anthropologist in a long-term project of organisational affects.

Rosalie Post, Applied Anthropologist
Rosalie is an anthropologist working in housing policy in the Netherlands. She has worked in this field for a few years, studying, collaborating and consulting with national and local government institutions and societal organisations such as housing associations and healthcare organisations. She has a BSc in Cultural Anthropology from University of Amsterdam and a research MA in Cultural Anthropology from Uppsala University. She is a co-organiser of Interbuilding Applied Anthropology Meet-up Amsterdam, in partnership with the University of Amsterdam, as well as co-host of the Rapid Ethnography Summer School Amsterdam. She is currently employed as a policy advisor and researcher with RIGO Research & Advies.

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Buy Your Ticket


  • Leaders: Corina Enache, Transavia, and Rosalie Post, RIGO Research & Advies
  • Date: Monday 12 October
  • Time: 14:00-17:30 CET (Amsterdam), 13:00-16:30 BST (London) (includes breaks)
  • Who should attend: Anyone who is interested in experimenting with rapid ethnography.
  • Number of attendees: 12


This workshop is free to A+T 2020 delegates who have purchased a ticket, on a first-come, first served basis. Have your Ticket Number handy (you will find this on your e-ticket).

By registering, you agree to your name, organisation, and email being passed to the workshop leader(s) for the purposes of communicating with you about this workshop.

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